Music Together Weekly Update 02.06.2020

 In Preschool Music Together

Have you ever noticed that kids like to listen to the same songs over and over again? That’s their brain becoming more musical! The pathways in children’s brains need stimulation in order to develop. It’s like forging a trail in the woods: The more a path is walked on, the clearer it becomes. The music pathways in children’s brains must be forged and “walked on” in order to develop. We provide this stimulation through our weekly music class experiences, and you provide the reinforcement all week long. We have 44 songs in this year’s Music Together collection all contained in your Music Together Song book and CD – enjoying these songs at home will help make their musical brains grow even more!

I Spy With My Little Eye

It’s time to dust off the Music Together book and CD you received at the beginning of the year and play “I Spy.” See if your child can find pages in the song book and play them on the CD. Here are a few of the songs we sang this week:


Children who signed up to perform at the Atlantis Fundraiser will be practicing Tues, Wed, Thurs, from 11:15-11:45. You should have received a family email with the list of songs to practice at home. Thank you for your support.

– Ms. Kerby